Please remember that you are entirely responsible for your own safety whilst taking part in the Cambrian Coast Sportive and Wales Cycling Events and Snowdonia Cycling Limited accept no responsibility for any injury that you may sustain as part of your participation in this event.
There will be some marshals along the route. Their job is not to direct traffic in any way but they are there to open gates and help you navigate the route. If you have a problem of either medical or mechanical nature and you are near a marshal, please inform them and they will endeavour to offer assistance. Marshals are not medically or mechanically trained, but will be able to call for medical or mechanical back-up if required.
In addition, you will be issued with the ride emergency phone number. If you are in difficulty, please call this number and we will endeavour to reach you as soon as possible. Due to the nature of this ride and the distances involved, assistance make take some time in arriving. If you are in an area where there is no phone signal please ask other riders to inform the event organisers when they see a marshal or reach an area of phone signal.
Important:When you request assistance, we need to locate you as quickly as we can. To help us do that, it is useful to know which route you are riding and how many kilometers or miles you have completed so far. If you have a bike computer and you start it when you set off, you should have this information and should give it to the organisers when you call. Knowing which part of the route you are on by distance covered will help us locate you.
A 'broom wagon' vehicle will follow after the last rider on the course, so if you are having difficulty and cannot reach us by any of the methods listed above, a vehicle will eventually be with you.